G&G Gun Sales Near Syracuse, NY


B Safe, B Prepared, B Protected
G&G Gun Sales
See what makes us different
G&G Guns located locally in Bridgeport, NY is happy to help facilitate all legal firearms transfers and gun purchaes in New York State.   We will help you locate the right gun you are looking for based on your needs.  We do a full client anylasis so we know what you need.  Then we make easy to naviage all of the legal paperwork.
  1. G&G Gun Sales helped me find the right gun for me and it was very simple
  2. Great customer service, very personal and provided me with the right information.
  3. I always believe in being prepared but also being safe. G&G Guns provide good service and excellent information.
  4. Hunting is my passion, having the right gun and being prepared is important. G&G Gun Sales had it all, but was very knowledgeable and it was great to deal with a small shop that was better than the big stores.
  5. G&G Gun was great even though I haven't purchased a gun, very knowledgeable and supportive of my needs. When I do buy I will definitely purchase from them.
  6. This element represents the description field. Provide here a short customer testimonial.
    Craig Atkins